Certificación DELE y SIELE


If you want or need to certify your Spanish knowledge internationally, the best way to do so is by taking the DELE and SIELE exams. 

Here is some more information: 


DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is a series of leveled exams, going from A2 to C2 levels, according to the CEFR. 

DELE Exam (Diplomas in Spanish as a Foreign Language)

  • Issuing entity: Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education.
  • Target audience: People who want to certify their level of Spanish officially and permanently.
  • Levels: It is aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) and offers levels from A1 to C2.
  • Format: It is a paper-based exam that evaluates reading comprehension, written expression, listening comprehension and oral expression.
  • Duration: Depends on the level (for example, C1 lasts approximately 4 hours).
  • Certification: Once passed the test, the certificate is permanent and does not expire.

Each DELE level has similar tests, although the duration and complexity increase with the level. Below, I detail the tests and the approximate times per level:

DELE tests by level

Reading Comprehension

It consists of: Reading different texts and answering questions to evaluate understanding.
Time: Varies depending on the level.
A1: ~45 minutes.
C1: ~90 minutes.

Listening comprehension

It consists of: Listening to recordings and answering questions.
A1: ~25 minutes.
C1: ~50 minutes.

Written expression and interaction

It consists of: Writing texts (for example, emails, letters, opinions) appropriate to the level.
A1: ~25 minutes.
C1: ~80 minutes.

Oral expression and interaction

It consists of: Interview with the examiner, includes presentation and discussion tasks.
A1: ~15 minutes.
C1: ~20 minutes (plus 20 minutes of preparation).

DELE Summary
Each level includes all skills, but the duration and difficulty of the tasks increase depending on the level. For example, in C1 the candidate is expected to write complex texts and participate in a fluid conversation on abstract topics.


SIELE is a single exam that detects the students' level and certifies it. It's a faster and more comfortable solution if you need a certification for the near future, for it takes a shorter training (if you have already studied Spanish before) and you can sit for the exam virtually, from your computer in your living room. 

SIELE Exam (International Spanish Language Evaluation Service)

  • Issuing entity: Instituto Cervantes along with other prestigious universities (such as the UNAM of Mexico and the University of Salamanca).
  • Target audience: It is flexible and allows you to evaluate the Spanish proficiency of people anywhere in the world. Ideal for those looking for a quick and valid certification for a limited period.
  • Levels: Evaluates from A1 to C1, although it does not grant a C2.
  • Format: It is completely digital and is carried out online in authorized centers. It can be taken in its complete format or in parts (reading comprehension, listening, written expression and interaction, oral expression and interaction).
  • Duration: Complete, around 3 hours. If a module is chosen, each one lasts between 20 and 60 minutes.
  • Certification: The validity is 5 years and is more immediate than the DELE.

The SIELE exam has a flexible format, which allows you to take the entire exam or each test separately. If taken in full, the exam covers all four skills and provides a CEFR-referenced certification (A1-C1).

SIELE tests and their characteristics

Reading Comprehension

It consists of: Reading texts and answering multiple choice questions.
Time: ~60 minutes.
Score: Up to 250 points.

Listening comprehension

It consists of: Listening to recordings and answering multiple choice questions.
Time: ~55 minutes.
Score: Up to 250 points.

Written expression and interaction

It consists of: Writing a short text and a longer text according to a topic or question.
Time: ~50 minutes.
Score: Up to 250 points.

Oral expression and interaction

It consists of: Answering questions and recording audio responses, based on a series of tasks.
Time: ~15 minutes.
Score: Up to 250 points.

SIELE Overview
In the comprehensive exam, each skill is evaluated individually and a total score is given out of 1000 points. The flexibility of the format allows each test to be taken separately, and each module grants a certificate valid for 5 years.

Both exams are widely accepted and serve different purposes, with the DELE being preferred for those seeking permanent certification and the SIELE for those who need a faster, more temporary option.

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